Chapin and Milos memoirs

Skin In The Game – New Campaign

SKIN IN THE GAME Intact America’s new storytelling campaign shows how “routine” circumcision cuts through us all. Part of the campaign are two new memoirs written by intactivist leaders:

This Penis Business, by Georganne Chapin
Please Don’t Cut the Baby! by Marilyn Fayre Milos

The memoirs are available: order now >>

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Navigating Parenthood: When Parents Disagree on Circumcision

Navigating Parenthood: When Parents Disagree on Circumcision

The arrival of a new baby often brings to light differences in parenting philosophies. One of the more contentious decisions is whether to circumcise their newborn son or leave him intact. This subject can spark intense debate between parents, particularly when one is...

Intact Penis Care: Embracing Natural Well-being

Intact Penis Care: Embracing Natural Well-being

The argument against circumcision is founded on an unwavering commitment to bodily autonomy and the irrefutable benefits of remaining intact. Across cultures and through the annals of history, circumcision has been practiced for a myriad of reasons — yet today's...

Adult Circumcision Cost: The Profit Motives and Hidden Toll

Adult Circumcision Cost: The Profit Motives and Hidden Toll

Circumcision, an irreversible surgical procedure that involves removing the foreskin from the tip of the penis, has been mutilating boys and men for centuries. While infant circumcision is more common, adult circumcision has sparked debates across various viewpoints. ...