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Access in-depth analysis and research findings on circumcision data.
Explore comprehensive data and statistics on public opinions, circumcision trends, and forcible foreskin retraction.
Consider the logic behind genital integrity and how to inspire others to think critically about circumcision.
Advocate for intact penis care and equip yourself with compelling reasons against cutting the genitals of children.
Foster informed dialogue and challenge societal acceptance of circumcision.
Gain insight into the historical and cultural context of male genital cutting through a curated selection of books dedicated to the topic of circumcision.
Georganne Chapin and Marilyn Milos release their memoirs detailing their experiences and observations as leaders of the intactivist movement.
Skin in the Game is a compelling storytelling campaign from Intact America that underscores the transformative power of sharing personal experiences. Intact America is the largest anti-circumcision organization in the world that mobilizes the power of awareness, education, and action to protect male infant babies from unnecessary bodily harm. is a free service for filing medical complaints about forcible foreskin retraction, circumcision solicitation and complications, and other genital harms. Filing a complaint gives parents a voice. Many parents have been ignored or even shamed for protesting the injury that harmed their son.
Each circumcision impact story is a priceless gift when shared with others who may be going through something similar. No matter what role circumcision has played in your life, your experiences matter, which is why we created the “Voices” series. Your experience, your story shared with the public, will help America to reach a tipping point.
Intact America conducts national surveys to measure public attitudes about circumcision and the foreskin, to quantify the damage caused by circumcision solicitation and forcible foreskin retraction, and other important issues. The surveys are administered by Qualtrics, a leading research organization widely used in academia and for consumer experience management.
LGBTQA+ activists invited Intact America to participate in New York City Pride in 2006, and we have participated in Pride events ever since. (During the pandemic, we celebrated online at The intactivist and the LGBTQA+ movements have much in common. We fight for human rights and challenge practices and policies that inhibit sexual freedom.
To see Intact America’s Pride schedule, visit our EVENTS page.
Since merging with Genital Autonomy-America, Intact America has expanded its scope to continue organizing international conferences started by Marilyn Milos in 1989. Most recently, Intact America co-sponsored Intact 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. The two-day event featured more than two dozen presenters and approximately 120 attendees. Such gatherings bring intactivists from around the world to present their work and catch up on the movement’s current progress and challenges.
Information on upcoming conferences will be available on our EVENTS page.
Intact America has contracted with licensed therapists who work with men impacted by circumcision. We are preparing to offer free virtual monthly group sessions to Intact America Insiders (subscribed monthly donors). At this time, groups will be available only to men, but as the program grows, we will consider similar counseling opportunities for all genders.
Intact America established Foreskin Day in 2023 to laud all things foreskin. A virtual celebration akin to 4/20, the cannabis holiday, Foreskin Day is observed on 4/4, the FOREth Day of April, the FOREth month of the year. The highlight of the day is a festive, streamed Foreskin Day program, featuring interviews, videos, all-original COCKtail recipes, and humorous musings about the male member.
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Intact America operates as a not-for-profit organization based in Tarrytown, NY that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 81-2887457.
Skin in the Game is a compelling storytelling campaign that uses photography and the emotional testimonials from people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and sexual orientations who have been harmed by the senseless, medically unnecessary, and unethical practice of male child genital cutting (AKA circumcision).
Skin in the Game puts a face to circumcision’s victims: men who live with scarred, desensitized penises, parents whose babies have had to live with damaged genitals, women who suffer through painful, dry sex, and lovers who will never experience sex the way nature intended.
Skin in the Game’s powerful photos and stories are available here.
DONOHARM.REPORT is a groundbreaking tool created to hold doctors and hospitals accountable for circumcision complications, foreskin harm, and aggressive circumcision solicitation. is a free online reporting database that can easily be used to file complaints to medical facilities, state medical boards, and the medical professionals themselves who inflict damage on baby boys’ genitals. The database allows parents and guardians to:
(1) report incidents of circumcision harm to their babies, such as excessive bleeding, fever, infection, and physical complications;
(2) report whether doctors and nurses pressured them to have their sons circumcised; and
(3) report that their intact son was a victim of forcible foreskin retraction (FFR) by a medical professional, a practice that the American Academy of Pediatrics warns can cause severe pain, bleeding, and tears in the foreskin.
Each reported incident will be submitted to hospital management, respective state oversight agencies, the medical professional who perpetrated the harm, and the national Joint Commission. will be rolled out in Spring 2024 in Georgia. Over time, Intact America will expand this groundbreaking reporting tool to every state and the District of Columbia.
To learn more visit here.
Intact America’s work has unleashed a groundswell of people aching to tell their circumcision stories. We provide that outlet in our Voices blog posts. Voices features short essays written by men who have survived circumcision, regret moms who wish they had known better, human rights activists who stand up for the rights of the child, and other intactivists. We encourage you to put your skin in the game by telling your story, too.
Read these passionate Voices stories here.
Intact America conducts national surveys to measure public attitudes about circumcision and the foreskin, to quantify the damage caused by circumcision solicitation and forcible foreskin retraction, and other important issues. The surveys are administered by Qualtrics, a leading research organization widely used in academia and for consumer experience management.
Data collected through our surveys are used by Intact America to guide our campaign initiatives and measure the impact we are making with our work. Most notably, our frequent public opinion polls show that support for keeping boys intact has risen from 10 percent in 2010 to close to 25 percent in 2021. This proves that we are on the right track.
To learn more about our surveys, visit here.
LGBTQA+ activists invited Intact America to participate in New York City Pride in 2006, and we have participated in Pride events ever since. (During the pandemic, we celebrated online at The intactivist and the LGBTQA+ movements have much in common. We fight for human rights and challenge practices and policies that inhibit sexual freedom.
To see Intact America’s Pride schedule, visit our EVENTS page.
Since merging with Genital Autonomy-America, Intact America has expanded its scope to continue organizing international conferences started by Marilyn Milos in 1989. Most recently, Intact America co-sponsored Intact 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. The two-day event featured more than two dozen presenters and approximately 120 attendees. Such gatherings bring intactivists from around the world to present their work and catch up on the movement’s current progress and challenges.
Information on upcoming conferences will be available on our YouTube channel.
Intact America established Foreskin Day in 2023 to laud all things foreskin. A virtual celebration akin to 4/20, the cannabis holiday, Foreskin Day is observed on 4/4, the FOREth Day of April, the FOREth month of the year. The highlight of the day is a festive, streamed Foreskin Day program, featuring interviews, videos, all-original COCKtail recipes, and humorous musings about the male member.
Intact America has contracted with licensed therapists who work with men impacted by circumcision. We are preparing to offer free virtual monthly group sessions to Intact America Insiders [please hyperlink to that section on our donate page] (subscribed monthly donors). At this time, groups will be available only to men, but as the program grows, we will consider similar counseling opportunities for all genders.
4.30.25, NYC