Voices — Dale Andersen
I am honored to be a part of Intact America's Voices column and to get a chance to speak from...
I am honored to be a part of Intact America's Voices column and to get a chance to speak from...
Chapin, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Intact America, Exposes the Big Business of Medical Circumcision and the Cruel Absurdity of...
I've been reflecting on my life, and as I recount my marriages—I am on my third and last—I'm trying to...
I had the pleasure of seeing Alan Cumming's 2nd official performance of his new cabaret, UNCUT, in Fort Lauderdale Florida...
I was nine and a half years old when I was circumcised. It was an extremely painful experience, emotionally and...
In a world where personal freedoms and medical ethics often collide, movements like intactivism (the advocacy of a right to...
The argument against circumcision is founded on an unwavering commitment to bodily autonomy and the irrefutable benefits of remaining intact....
Circumcision, an irreversible surgical procedure that involves removing the foreskin from the tip of the penis, has been mutilating boys...
The concepts of assent and consent are crucial in ethical decision-making across various contexts, standing as fundamental principles to ensure...
Circumcision, the surgical procedure involving the removal of the foreskin covering the tip of the penis, has deep historical roots...