Intact Penis Care: Embracing Natural Well-being
The argument against circumcision is founded on an unwavering commitment to bodily autonomy and the irrefutable benefits of remaining intact....
Access in-depth analysis and research findings on circumcision data.
Explore comprehensive data and statistics on public opinions, circumcision trends, and forcible foreskin retraction.
Consider the logic behind genital integrity and how to inspire others to think critically about circumcision.
Advocate for intact penis care and equip yourself with compelling reasons against cutting the genitals of children.
Foster informed dialogue and challenge societal acceptance of circumcision.
Gain insight into the historical and cultural context of male genital cutting through a curated selection of books dedicated to the topic of circumcision.
Georganne Chapin and Marilyn Milos release their memoirs detailing their experiences and observations as leaders of the intactivist movement.
The argument against circumcision is founded on an unwavering commitment to bodily autonomy and the irrefutable benefits of remaining intact....
Circumcision, an irreversible surgical procedure that involves removing the foreskin from the tip of the penis, has been mutilating boys...
The concepts of assent and consent are crucial in ethical decision-making across various contexts, standing as fundamental principles to ensure...
Circumcision, the surgical procedure involving the removal of the foreskin covering the tip of the penis, has deep historical roots...
Take a moment to imagine the gentle flutter of eyelids in the soft, warm morning light as the sunlight filters...
The practice of circumcision, a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis, has been a topic of intense...
Driven by a fervent commitment to bodily autonomy and human rights, pioneers of the movement to end circumcision coined the...
Injuries, trauma, and other complications of infant circumcision in the U.S. are so underreported that even health professionals don’t know...
Discussions of whether or not to keep your son’s penis intact have been gaining increasing momentum. With the intactivist movement...
In Western democracies, circumcision stands at the crossroads of tradition, misinformation, and human rights, bringing forth pressing ethical dilemmas. As...
Intact America operates as a not-for-profit organization based in Tarrytown, NY that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 81-2887457.
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