In a new “listicle” posted on its website this week, The Huffington Post outlines Eight Things America Gets Wrong About Sex. From health care to homophobia, the piece covers a range of historical and sociological reasons for America’s sexual dilemmas. It speaks to just about everything, except anatomy. And what’s one thing about American sexual organs that’s unique compared to much of the rest of the world? That’s right—routine male circumcision.
It astonishes me that in talking about sex, pretty much nobody mentions that most adult men in the United States today have been deprived of the most pleasurable, sensitive part of their penises. Without a foreskin and its sensory feedback, a man has difficulty controlling the timing of his orgasm. Also, because he’s missing the very organ that serves a gliding and lubricating function—and because he has a scar where his foreskin used to be—his penis is calloused and dry, when compared to that of an intact man; this creates a friction during intercourse and compromises the pleasure of both sexual partners.
Don’t believe me? Then explain the uniquely American proliferation of lubricants and masturbation creams, the existence of which many Europeans—most of whom are intact—find strange. CIRCUMserum is available for those who want to combat what it calls “Dullness Syndrome” by restoring “natural feeling for more intense sex”; Stroke 29, Wicked Cream, and others are designed to help circumcised men seeking solitary pleasure, who find the after-effects of circumcision to stand in the way of sensory pleasure.
Understanding the history of American circumcision helps to explain all of this. In fact, when doctors began promoting circumcision in the Victorian era (late 1800s), the purpose was precisely to reduce pleasure and cause pain–to dissuade men from the “immoral” and “unhygienic” practice of masturbation. Among those who pushed the circumcision solution to masturbation were American physicians Abraham Jacobi (the organizer of the American Pediatric Society) and J.J. Moses (then-head of the New York State Medical Society and president of the Association of American Physicians).
Just as Jewish physician and philosopher Maimonides had recognized 800 years earlier, these fathers of American medicalized circumcision believed that its physiological and psychological effects–aversive pain memory and loss of sensory tissue–would help to diminish sexual gratification, whether self-sought or through genital contact with a partner.
Should we be surprised, then, with findings such as those from Denmark, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in 2011, showing that circumcised men have greater difficulty reaching orgasm, and that female partners of circumcised men are less likely to feel sexually satisfied?
What is astonishing is that American doctors persist in a practice designed to ruin the natural pleasures of sex, and then deny that it in fact does so. Meanwhile, the vast majority of adult American men are living with scars instead of foreskins. Half of the couple is missing a most basic, sensual part of his anatomy, and we wonder why Americans find sex less than fulfilling.
Georganne Chapin
Dan Bollinger
April 8, 2014 10:42 amI don’t find it astonishing at all that American doctors hold a double standard. The reason is avarice. Hospitals, doctors, and even nurses are bilking insurance companies at the boy’s expense. They easily accomplish this task using their position of authority over parents. If you don’t believe me, just read my paper on the topic.
Paul Frohlich
April 8, 2014 11:56 amIts amazing Dan when I read your papers on this topic, so true and only few Americans know this. It reminds me Nietzsche and his ” Thus Spoke Zarathustra” a metaphorical story on how humans in a crowd behave.Just like monkeys, copy each other and their leaders any mentally ill ideas are absorbed without a question because other do it. America pride itself in individuality. What a rubbish! Most just act as those in Zarathustra story. No individuality at all. And so no wisdom.No intellect. It hurts me. As a child living in communist part of Europe I admired America. How did this happen?
Marilyn Milos, RN
April 9, 2014 11:59 amNot only does a circumcised man have “difficulty controlling the timing of his orgasm,” he is incapable of doing so because the fine sensory nerve endings surrounding the opening of his foreskin that would have provided feedback to his brain are missing. So, instead of riding the wave to orgasm, a circumcised man has uncontrollable ejaculation. Fortunately, pleasure is pleasure, but the circumcised male, as CJ Falliers wrote in 1979, experiences the satisfaction of a biological urge and not the refined sensory experience he was meant to have. Premature ejaculation is not the fault of the circumcised man experiencing it, it is the fault of the doctor who circumcised him! Isn’t it time for the Second Sexual Revolution, when men stand up and say “No more, this sexual assault ends with me!”? And, by the way, April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, so this conversation is timely!
April 10, 2014 2:09 pmSo, when they say circumcised men “last” longer, it’s because they have reduced sensitivity and thus they have no other option other than keep thrusting longer hoping they will eventually climax.
Paul Frohlich
April 21, 2014 12:54 amWonder what that thrusting do to a woman and her cervix? Why there are two times more cases of cervical cancer in the USA and in places like Finland, where all man are intact (except those religious fanatic) and they have half of this cancer than in USA? Nature intended for the glans to be an internal organ that meets the cervix, also an internal organ. Those 2 can not hurt each other in mating. When the glans is not protected it become rough and might damage the cervical mucosa and the virus , if present, can get past the ” skin” of the cervix and infect it? Just wonder. But there is a hope for people like Laurence. If he restore, the glans regain the same sensitivity as the one of the intact male and some of the feelings will come back as with other man of the same problem report. If he do nothing he will become impotent. In my opinion the sexual mechanic need to be activated from time to time, if not the functions as Nature intended them to be, will become weaker or vanish all together. Right foods are also very important, no smoke or drugs of any kind , mostly organic if possible, raw fruits and vegetables,strong Oster blender that is very cheep and last for years, to mix fruits with a cup of almonds, 10 dates, 2 bananas, melons or , apple, orange and some distilled water so it become liquid after 3 minutes blending, this better for the production of the reproductive material than anything else can be. I can last on this all day without eating anything else……..or in the bed if my wife feel like that and I am much older than Laurence, in fact he could be my son………..and I gave life to 2 year old and there will be more. Laurence should be very angry but there is a way out of his problem, even if not as perfect as it should be if he be left intact.
The Ugly Truth
April 12, 2014 5:34 pmThanks to the American Academy of Greediatrics, doctors can now bilk insurance companies with impunity.
All they have to do is cite the organization’s policy statement on circumcision and its reimbursement recommendation and their claims will most likely be approved.
Dan Bollinger is absolutely correct.
Doctors use their position of authority to promote circumcision for profit.
April 12, 2014 5:55 pmOh look, endorsement for silly products, c’mon, might at well advertise Extenze while your at it too…….
April 22, 2014 7:45 pmWay to miss the point.
April 15, 2014 12:23 amCircumserum: The problem is that softening the glans might alleviate only part of the problem. You are still lacking the erogenous tissue of which the foreskin consists of. But, it’s probably better than nothing.
Lawrence Newman
April 19, 2014 7:01 amI was circumcised at 14 without my informed consent. I’m now 35. I’ve had 21 years of anxiety, depression and failed or unsatisfying sexual experiences. I took the red pill a few years ago and simply gave up on sex. What is the point in having sex if you can’t feel it? I had my ridged band and all of my frenulum and frenular delta excised completely. I don’t regard what I have now as a sexual organ since I cannot feel any pleasure from it. That was the intention of circumcision when it was adopted by the West in Victorian times.
The only way we will topple this is with a violent revolution. Unfortunately most men are ignorant about what they’ve lost because they were cut as babies. Men like me who know what they’ve lost want to rise up and kill the bastards like Brian Morris who allow this to continue.
Who’s with me?
[email protected]
Paul Frohlich
April 19, 2014 11:58 amI am with you even if I was not sexually mutilated since I was born and lived in Central Europe under the Czech communist. Can you imagine, communism is a bad dictatorship and even they do not do such a thing to rob a person of his sexuality as Nature intended it like in the USA for a lousy little bit money most doctors spend in a day. This is a crime words can not describe. Nation that pride itself for its liberty and constitution. Where is the liberty if a helpless person do not have his own right for his private body parts? Stolen and sold to industries for its values, or so the lubricant industries make profits, or sex stimulating drugs make billions in profit! Even the Nazi did not make money in this way as America do.This thing started to bug me long time before Intact America was established. At first I did not pay much attention but when a doctor Dean Edell ….think was his name ….started to oppose it on his radio show in USA and Canada at first I did not understand what he was talking about in 1992 me living in California . I started to search medical books but they all show man with exposed inner organ that supposed to be protected from the outside rough world.Since magazines and books did not provided an answer I asked one day ” for what purpose would Nature put it on all mammal male species”? and the answer hit me within an hour. Me who is not a doctor, I did not study for years about all the body parts and their functions, how can a doctor be this stupid, ignorant uneducated on such a simple fact even even the most brainless would understand? The problem is America treating the doctor as God. And how dumb a religion can get! When God that perfect and yes Nature- God is perfect the way life is build and the Universe with its endless Suns and planets all is magical and here comes man who think he knows better. This is a mental disorder. I started to get very angry at the human species, how this big brain creature can be indoctrinated, in a communal environment in to any insane act Have children from before and started to write for 8 years to my future wife. I was shy to talk about it but I did indirectly in most of my letters and when we finally met and she got pregnant the same month and a beautiful boy came out of it I keep on telling her that if I be mutilated we would not have this now 2 year son.It just makes me angry what happened to you Lawrence and so many others around this globe.Just get out and fight the best you can those creeps that promote this insane criminal act.
Paul Frohlich
April 19, 2014 2:00 pmEurope is heading to total prohibition even for religious reasons on a child that is unable to consent, America sooner or later will go this way, doctors will not be able to fool parents in the age of computers. Over a million future man sexually damaged each year, how can a doctor do this crime and than go sleep and not worry that one of those many millions in 20 or so years loose his mind and do something dramatic? A violence on any doctor that practice this insane act? The way its going in 20 years many of those effected realize what was done to them without their consent. Will all just ignore it? None of them will get angry unable to control them self? They just do not see ahead, common sense gone, or they just feel safe with all their money made from those operations that got them rich houses and security systems? Me I could not sleep at night.
April 20, 2014 7:44 pmI’m with you. Brian Morris is a victim of genital mutilation himself! This is the reason why he promotes it, like many others who do. Child abuse is often transmitted and circumcision is child abuse. It’s necessary to break out from this cycle.
Paul Frohlich
April 21, 2014 12:48 pmDo understand your anger, would feel the same as you if in that situation but why you not restore? Not as perfect but from what I read the glans will become as sensitive as with the intact one. Did not know you British, what in the Hell happened , what, who made you go to that doctor who got paid paid for damaging your reproductive like that? Perhaps a doctor who do not know I would understand but those doctors if they know and choose to ignore for a profit reasons , in a real world that is not politically correct, they should be put on a short trial and hung after that. No such a crime on a child should be forgiven. Just in USA alone this robbery done on people that can’t consent, will bring close to 4 billion in profit to all kinds of industries not just to the doctor. The way things are going in America, its heading to a second civil war and if that happen this idiotic nonsense done on children should be a part of it.Once a child is born she or he is a person with the same rights as an adult. Religious reasons or not its a crime to damage a body on purpose, for a profit or whatever. Those creeps! They would not wait till that person is 18 to make his own informed decisions they cut him when he helpless. If they let them to decide at age 18 profits would drop to almost zero. Only a mentally disturbed would go for such a thing.
Paul Frohlich
April 21, 2014 3:08 pmThe December 2008 Glamore magazine carried a front page story written by Katharine O’Connell M,D ,on how 66% of USA woman will suffer pain, sooner or later, in sexual contact with their man dryness cervical pain and so on and on and how to fix it to make sex better. That doctor lady would explain “all” the reasons on why it is so but the main one , she ignored or just did not know. And so I decided to write a letter to that magazine on what is the major reason for this in America and their response was silence. I was so naive, my first thought was that those people just do not know that, writing for all those woman magazines. Now I know why they would not talk about it even if they knew its true. Its all about profits. What it would do to a woman when you tell her, husband is not perfect because he was mutilated down there? She might get pissed of and no more buy that magazine. Humans can be such a dump ignorant apes. Ah……..! so sorry,it is not my intention to insult the real apes in the jungle, they do not have this over-sized brains with over-sized idiotic ideas as humans can have in a tribal,environments, where the many become the world.The Zen like wisdom available to each of us if we seek. They in the crowd would say “Who cares for that we in the crowds are bigger than the one who look other direction than us” People like Adolf Hitler are created in a social or communal environments. The “me” is no more it is now the “us” that is the “real” world. A very deadly philosophy or the lack of the right one. Each of us shall seek the Ultimate responsible for all the existence. Human is not the meaning of the infinite Universe. only tiny friction of it………..(but the Universe is made out of those frictions)…… Einstein would call on all the people to get rid of the chains that limit us………and keep our mind in the jail of human ignorance and prevent most, to embrace the beauty all around us, above us, and beyond us, they just ignore to see. Only if all can free them self from those chains of human social ignorance, they, the many around us that try to indoctrinate the Nature within us all since birth, that person will be able to enter the cosmic consciousness needed for humans to survive this age of scientific discoveries . This knowledge can wipe us all out if not careful or not conscious of the damage it can cause, mentally or physically.The genital mutilations of boys or girls is one of the many stupidities in human kinds and we that know, or woke up to all of this, its our duty to declare war on any kind of ignorance we are able to see.This not my mother language hope hope the tiny me made itself clear….
Ed Rose
May 1, 2014 1:40 pmInteresting timing for discussion of lubricants. There is a relevant article, surrounding fertility testing, in the current issue of Laboratory Medicine. The longstanding dogmas surrounding collection for semen analysis is “no lubricant,” as it can interfere with microscopic and macroscopic analysis. That has been the standard, although it may change with the advent of Pre-Seed, the product tested in the study in question. Small sample, only microscopic analysis tested, and only in vitro application of the product. No mention of circumcision status in the article, which looks to have been funded by the manufacturer. In any event, circumcision’s impact on fertility testing has eluded discussion all these years.
May 2, 2014 8:46 amI wanted to share this. It’s very informative and HILARIOUS!
Paul Frohlich
May 2, 2014 11:25 amSeems to me the video is a little bit propaganda of the medical or pro circumcision industry? At one moment the guy had a great sex and the information on what is wrong with him spoiled something. Its to say that there is nothing wrong to be mutilated? The statistical reality is that 66% of USA woman will complain of pain in sex sooner or later despite all the lubricants product the industries provide.And no need to go in to what it cause to man as well sooner or later when the exposed inner organ become insensitive with time plus up to 20.000 nerve sensors, needed for the proper communication to the brain as intended by Nature are gone. But that will not diminish reproductive instinct as as Ayyan Hirsi Ali writes in her “Infidel”. She was mutilated at the age of 4 together with her 5 year old sister and 6 year old brother on the same day. Her sister, the most happy and alive child in the world up to that moment become depressed and died from insanity at the age of about 20 when running in front a moving vehicle.Those that promote any kind of a mutilation on a child should be hung.
May 2, 2014 12:24 pmThe video is clearly ANTI-circumcision. And makes fun of the “medical industry” that began and continues to support the practice. Not sure how you came to the conclusion that it somehow is supportive of it. Also, the guy in the beginning wasn’t having sex yet, but was about to. Maybe watch the video in it’s entirety so you can understand the message. I think this is a great tool to use with young people to get them thinking about this well before they start their families. It’s funny and catchy which will get the teens/20-something’s and beyonds’ attention. I hope it goes viral on Facebook!
Paul Frohlich
May 3, 2014 2:18 amOK, you say so, I just misunderstood.
May 5, 2014 9:19 pmIt seems that the video is not available any more. Am I wrong?
May 5, 2014 9:58 pmNo, it’s still there. Sometimes it seems it will play a commercial, then the screen goes black and you have to just close and open it again and you’ll be able to watch it. Enjoy! 🙂
May 7, 2014 1:39 amOk, I was finally able to play it, thanks. Really hilarious! “Adam ruins everything” brings the guy back in time explaining that circumcision was introduced by Kellog to prevent masturbation. At the end of the movie, the guy says “I like it this way” and Adam replies in order to console him “it’s ok, there is no harm but also no benefit”. But is there really no harm? As they explain at a certain point in the movie, the foreskin has a function, but for many men circumcised at birth it might be difficult to recognize the harm. It would have been nice if at the end Adam had said “It’s fine if you are ok with it but there is no reason to do it to any future son you might have”.
May 7, 2014 9:31 amYes, I totally agree! That comment about it not being any harm to be circumcised was out of place and obviously wrong. I just found it refreshing that there was a funny and informative video that is great for teens and 20-somethings. It’s more accessible than a regular article, for example. And now I can step off my soapbox for a minute while they watch it and then we can discuss from there. Glad you liked it.
Paul Frohlich
May 7, 2014 9:49 amOnce the damage is done on a baby its much harder to change the adult brain chemistry. The mind is unable to register something without experience. This why those no good creeps do it on babies. In my view they should be hung.
Noel Trudell
May 7, 2014 7:13 pmWell, here I go with my first blog on a subject that I have been interested in since my first child was born. The first born was a baby girl, so no circumcision. However, the seed was planted, and the phrase “genital mutilation” reached my ears. I was born in 1974 and circumcision was common. Almost all of the boys that I knew were circumcised. To the extent that when, on rare occasion, an intact penis was viewed it was something to laugh at. We mock what we don’t understand. I felt normal until I was thirty three and found out I have been genitally mutilated my whole life. What a hit to my sexual confidence. Anyways, I now have a beautiful five year old son that has never been cut in his whole life by his parents. We even opted for a lotus birth that allowed the umbilical cord and placenta to naturally fall off at the belly button. No cutting required. Since my son has been born, I have suffered my fate, I am constantly reminded of what I am missing, and I even lost my partner to an intact man. She claims that it is rather required in a relationship for her now. I think it is some “Freudian” energy. My son and I look different down there. I am learning how to relate this to him.
Now I am single and sexually frustrated. I wallow over the sexual pleasure that I have never been able to experience, and how it has affected my relationship with myself and anyone I am attracted to. I feel incredibly insecure, and am scared of being sexually inadequate to a partner, and losing them to an intact man. I am doing my best to integrate this into my life. The information is like wildfire. Knowledge can be a burden. Anyways, I have much to be thankful for, and am glad to be a part of stopping this infant harm.
I do, however, believe that everything that has a strength has a weakness. Some of the strengths of circumcision are obvious. Cleanliness, STD,s, and, well, the ability of the cut and injured man to be more in touch with their emotions. During infant circumcision the energy of the personality is shocked out of their physical bodies, and into their emotional one. As cut men lost their natural physical pleasure in intercourse, their emotional relationships with partners become more important to the relationship. Also, I believe that cut men produce less testosterone naturally than uncut men, which would help a man connect and balance easier with his emotions and feelings. I feel this has affected the US by changing the dynamics of the married couple. Sexually unsatisfied couples will stay together, and possibly create a bond that is deeper that just “skin deep”, or lower chakra gratification. The body can become a complete vessel for bliss response. Beyond just the genitals. I also believe that men in the US have done this to perpetuate the empowerment of the female. Yes, I believe, that circumcision has fueled the feminist movement. What else is a population of sexually unsatisfied women going to do? So for all the upset women in the US who may never know sexual gratification due to circumcision, I can relate to you. However, thank the cut men in your life for learning about how to relate to you on a more emotional level. Perhaps, this is the “natural” course for uniting both our male and female polarities within us. I do feel unique in knowing that I am a small percentage of the men in the world with an ability to get over myself, and see the big picture. So keep moving on you masculine women and feminine men. Sex is over emphasized in a world where sex and power sells. “Remember” their is much more to life than sensory gratification. Ha
Paul Frohlich
May 8, 2014 1:09 amWhy you do not restore? I read that those that did their sensitivity will be similar to the uncut one. The cut of nerve sensors , up to 20.000 can not be restored but the glans will and woman are more happy because there is less friction.The low testosterone might be caused by lack of confidence in part. If you restore, more confidence and so more testosterone. if I be in your spot I start right away
Noel Trudell
May 8, 2014 1:54 amThe restoration systems and ideas I have seen appear rather awkward and unnatural. I already feel unnatural, what would compel me to use a device which creates even more uncomfortableness in my day? Also, I am a father of three young beautiful children. That is somewhat difficult to explain right now to them. Restoration devices are like eye glasses. They may have some use, but they do get in the way. I have, with limited and slow success, been using a technique that simply breaks up the scar tissue. The idea is that no scar, no cut. Also, the body naturally would like to return to its original state, I attempt to help it. I am not in a hurry, and I have the rest of my life to approach this. I don’t have to wear anything uncomfortable, and I have found that the technique has created some frenular tension. I prefer to attempt to accept my choices, and fate. I believe that I chose this so that I was less likely to allow my natural hedonistic tendencies to over take my choices. After all, I am American, and I am amazing at burying my feelings in compulsion. I masturbated plenty as a young person. If sex was any better, I could have been an addict. I truly appreciate who I am and I wouldn’t change any of it. I may just be lucky in life and unlucky in love, and I can feel blessed with that. I do share compassion for the many men in the states who resist this knowledge we share purely through hurt, and denial. Perhaps it’s fuel for the next generations to question authority and listen to our hearts. I appreciate the interest you show in protecting the children from those who would make righteous choices for them.
Paul Frohlich
May 8, 2014 10:52 amI ask myself how did this happen to the once free spirit, individualistic , Wild West America. The founders were not mutilated. Its unconstitutional. To cut of the most sensitive sexual communication mechanic with the brain on an individual that did not agree to this is pure criminal insanity. And if the cutter know that he-she do a harm to a person without his consent, its a punishable criminality in the mind of any rationally thinking person. Man evolved in to what he is today because of the ability to learn from each other and so we have computers and can go on the Moon. But this blind trust in mans ideas is very risky for all life on this planet not just man. A communal mentality where the many, in millions, dance to the doctrines of the few in power ,(to doctors) included,Nature is ignored and to be dominated. The human specie create the computer but also a nuclear bomb……something wrong in this picture. I get very upset about genital mutilations of boys and girls because it show something how a human in the crowd can be manipulated in to any absurdity. What good is a knowledge when there is no wisdom?
Paul Frohlich
May 8, 2014 12:18 pmNature intended the glans to be an internal organ that in love making will meet another internal organ, the cervix, Nature covered it so it stay soft and sensitive and do not cause harm to the cervix. So sensitive is the glans, that when a boy touch it for a first time in his life it gives a sharp burn like feeling just like if a person slide a dry finger over the eye under the protective eye lid. I think its not wise in your situation not to recover it even when it will suck for some time. You are right, some woman leave their boyfriend or a husband because of circumcision, like this young lady in San Francisco I know about from a friend who left her husband of two years for somebody else for this reason. Not fair, specially when the couple have children. When a man restore , I read, that woman will feel far less friction and more pleasure for both.
Paul Frohlich
May 8, 2014 1:46 pmIt is my view that even an intact male just can not do what Nature did not intended him to do. A human is the only animal that masturbate be it male or a female. When a male do and he do not provide a conditions doing it as it is in the female inside during mating it might cause infection. The glans that is protected from the outside is a very sensitive organ and so are the inner covers . The outside cover is different its a skin and a friction do not harm it much. But to do dry frictions to the inside is not natural without some kind of a natural lubricant that is in the female or some substitute. A female naturally lubricate for a reason, if she would not not only her but he too would hurt a little also or even more than her because some 70- 80% of his sensitivity is located in that area exposed in mating. If you Noel would not be cut you would understand it. Yes I can do love to a dry lady just as an experiment to prove for what purpose the foreskin is,and I did in the past without a harm to her but it feels a little uncomfortable at first until she start to lubricate and she always will because she start to feel pleasures that trigger the lubrication this without the anti friction”sliders” would not be possible if the girl feel friction she will not lubricate so easy or not at all When I came to America i read somewhere that 66% of American woman will feel pain in sex sooner or later. many years later I read in 2008 December Glamour magazine on the page 155 Dr,Katharine O’ Connell who wrote that article say the same some 30 years later, that the same number of woman , 66% will experience pain but to my disbelieve she do not know or do not want to say the real reason for this It took millions of years of evolution in all mammals including the human one and its very disturbing the American doctor do not know this as the European doctor start to realize and talk about it. Americas doctors act like a organized mafia that care just for the profit.
Noel Trudell
May 8, 2014 2:45 pmI am thankful that I have found an outlet for this subject in you. As you can imagine, discussing this topic with cut American men is quite sensitive. Mostly, the outspoken critices of circumcison in the states right now are women. I can imagine that women in the states are feeling cheated from sexual pleasure as more information come to light. However, lets remember that many of the choices of circumcision are made by the mother. Whether she has been led to believe in the benefits or not. I have also met an individual who at 23 years older decided to have himself cut based only on the fact that he wanted to fit in. The desire to fit in and be accepted can be just as strong as sexual desires. He had no medical reason for doing this. I have seen medical problems with both cut and uncut men. I refuse to take any stance on the matter except that is should be left up to the child. I agree that to cut a baby boy before they can choose for themselves is criminal. I feel that this unique position that American men are in today will have huge implications on the future. Circumcision is a dying practice, yet has some social purpose. As I said before, the American women should be thankful to cut men. Through this nationwide practice relationships between men and women has evolved. Sex is just one aspect of a relationship. I don’t have sex with my children, and I love them just the same. Lasting relationships in America have become based more on emotions than desire. I can understand the religious reasoning behind this practice. Sexual infidelity may be diminished through men or women’s lack of sexual enjoyment. Ha ha. Once again, I don’t agree with the practice on baby boys, yet I understand that nothing is simply black or white. I appreciate you Paul for being an outlet for my feelings on the matter. As you can imagine, there isn’t alot of unbiased opinions on the matter in the states. Remember, the cut men in the states has created the country that it is today. Although we are perverse in some matters, and we thrive on power, we have a unique gift to the world in social reform. Circumcision is one of them. As I stated before, I believe that during circumcision the personality of the baby is shocked out of the physical body, and into it’s emotional body. Emotions are the currency in manifesting. Strong emotions can lead to convicted men who may be able to withstand the Jezebels of the world, and resist sexual gratification. Let’s remember the eunuch’s of the world past. They were trusted and responsible for looking after the most desirous women of the society. I can image that they knew those women more intimately then even the women’s lovers. I believe in choice. Everything that has a strength can have a weakness. Even women can have sexually gratifying relationships with other women without a penis involved. It may be a big topic in the states right now, but in a hundred years?…. Foreplay also becomes a bigger part of the sexual practices in American couples. Cut men need the lubrication that foreplay creates. Maybe we as a society of men decided that we would give up foreskin to focus on foreplay. That is just a joke Paul. Be well. I do wonder if there exists a correlation between circumcision and obesity. I realize that Americans are generally the most obese people of the world. Instead of sexual gratification, we may turn to other forms of gratification. Noel
On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:16 AM, The Intact America Blog wrote:
> Paul Frohlich commented: “It is my view that even an intact male just > can not do what Nature did not intended him to do. A human is the only > animal that masturbate be it male or a female. When a male do and he do not > provide a conditions doing it as it is in the female inside duri” >