Intact America is proud to announce that we have launched our new website! It took a long time, but it looks FANTASTIC! We are grateful to all who made it happen: Stephen Patterson, Intact America’s Director of Constituent Outreach; Erica DeJoannis, a Washington-based consultant who helped us to conceive of the site’s look and feel, and to organize the content; Dan Bollinger, IA’s stalwart volunteer, content contributor, and strategic consultant; and Adam Zeldis, also a volunteer who so generously helped with both content and technical issues. And most of all, We are grateful to YOU—Intact America’s followers and donors, who inspire us every day to do our best work.
The new website has all your favorite features and more. You’ll find links to IA’s Voices essays and our “Do You Know” series; you’ll find Intact America’s Statement of Principles, and our well-thought-out positions on the bioethics of genital cutting; and you can read about our various campaigns and ways you can take action and spread the word. Finally, you’ll find the site offers great resources for educating yourself and your community. So check it out — the new — and tell us what you think.