Ask Marilyn—Kiddo Is Having Painful Erections
Dear Marilyn, My almost 5 year old keeps having erections and is complaining that it's hurting. Is that normal for an...
Access in-depth analysis and research findings on circumcision data.
Explore comprehensive data and statistics on public opinions, circumcision trends, and forcible foreskin retraction.
Consider the logic behind genital integrity and how to inspire others to think critically about circumcision.
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Foster informed dialogue and challenge societal acceptance of circumcision.
Gain insight into the historical and cultural context of male genital cutting through a curated selection of books dedicated to the topic of circumcision.
Georganne Chapin and Marilyn Milos release their memoirs detailing their experiences and observations as leaders of the intactivist movement.
Dear Marilyn, My almost 5 year old keeps having erections and is complaining that it's hurting. Is that normal for an...
Dear Marilyn: I’m a 35-year-old man. I have been having trouble with a very tight foreskin. My doctor says it’s phimosis,...
Dear Marilyn: I have hair going up the shaft of my penis. Is this normal? —Daniel F., Tulsa, OK Dear Daniel: Hair on human...
Dear Marilyn, The doctor cut off only a little bit of foreskin—way less than I’ve noticed in other circumcised babies...
Dear Marilyn: I’m looking forward to attending Intact 2022, the 16th International Symposium on Child Genital Cutting, in Atlanta this week....
Dear Marilyn: My baby boy was circumcised when he was born two years ago. Once the wound healed, it’s been easy...
Intact America will be continuing NOCIRC's symposium series in Atlanta, Georgia on August 27–28 at the at Georgia Tech Hotel...
Dear Marilyn: You wouldn’t remember me, but we met many years ago at a conference. I’m an intactivist. I donate my...
I think a lot about friendship these days. Becoming an intactivist eight years ago really changed how I interact with...
Dear Marilyn: This may fall into the category of TMI, but we are a sex-positive household, and no topic is taboo....
Intact America operates as a not-for-profit organization based in Tarrytown, NY that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 81-2887457.
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